Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blooms shore

The northern spring comes, the spring WeiLou still did not DianRan full tree of blossom, when seen from afar, just like the old before, nearly in, but it has seen the bract rui, mottled staying the sensation of that moment when seeing you duty member qie qie of yan, low first and quiet good. The branch has spent secretly weak pink clothes, promise, xu had a boy.what embellish wind caresses surface covered makeup colourful, always with a fog cover a rosy gently. So, with faint shine on you with a shy, between the buccal already is rouge eyeful.
Assist not completely, flowers but open Yan submissive, coagulation full of shyness, between a ShiXie HuaYan blushing, raise your eyes look, comb you pour eyes gazing dull love ha, I stubborn thin already fulled you gently cool breath precipitation.
Thought, you I would like to hold a warm, first hint, occasionally do only I pour you photograph, I know only worldly desolate, thin light but solution not you cheng fang of red blood when burning. I smile, laugh this barren, indifferent world ChenQian 18-hour if water sort still. You needn't transgressions in stroke, also comments gentle eyes not around, I barnes& for you laughed, bumpless secure, no Lamentations no wedding, you don't look greedy this NingMou frets between dyed, I finally or that Buddha under the QianZhi brugmansia hua.
I know you must be the other shore the shorttube lycoris spread unendingly, in this season will assist rejects beauty tactfully into isolated timid appearance, but you don't know the fog of rouge had filled with your bare alexa into the beauty. I already knows, only will return to your eyes smile note of heart, is already huan limits.
Faint on urged me to travel around every step, a dark, only that the flowers blooming on the other shore foliage, woods, deep colourful extremely. You dance in desperation, winding the floral arouse me the memory, your blood and filled the gorgeous is my grief, for thousands of years, do you still stubborn waiting in this long road hearts period, painted with NingMou traced the despair of each life finally.
Don't blame me like this rejects decisions, or indifferent, 1000 immortal, I only your smile, also want to calm, but difficult to calm. Previous incarnation this present life, you I ever across the far shore, "fell over but slipped the unease, after all.
The millennium, you finally cheng fang, cheng fang into this powerful enchanting, cheng fang in my mind. Easy to difficult I stopped the forward steps, three way the river carrying our parting flowing quietly, silent, like I can't take your look, even if only one eye, even if only a smile, raced back to thousands of intent in ChenQian around here.
Buddha on the shore light language: Sanskrit BoLuoMi, this cloud to the shore and the XieYi from birth and death, death all, like waves, since there is no recurrence called this shore, departure, like water circulation, namely shore often called, live a dead realm of life and death "shore," the realm of detachment shore, is nirvana shore non-arising shore and without death, no bitter sorrow, no desire nothing, sadly, is a forget all the flowers in pure land, and have no stem shore and leafless gorgeous blossom blooms, blushing, other shore, miss mutually cherish to but not see, shore alone a long way to go.
The other shore flower, on the other shore forever carefree blossom, heart, only this shore alone shore dark

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